Custom-made Orthotics to Enhance Function, Mobility, & Reduce Pain
Event Details
Join us for an enlightening webinar series to demystify orthotics and extend case managers' understanding of the bespoke options and the corresponding benefits for clients with complex health conditions. We have gathered specialists in the field of orthotics to present the webinars and the content will cover the most up-to-date and innovative orthoses available. Orthotics for both children and adults will be covered.
BABICM Competencies:
2. Strategy
3. Coordination and Management
4. Monitoring
Week 1 - 5th September - London Orthotic Consultancy - Sam Walmsley, Director & Senior Orthotist (MBAPO)
Indications that an orthotic might help
Reasons why an orthotic might not help
What to factor in when presenting a cost request to the fee payer; cost of assessment, cost of orthotic(s), cost of reviews and adjustments, Case Manager and/or Therapist time to support the process
How to select the right Orthotist for the client
Supporting client compliance to maximise outcomes
The future for orthotics; innovations which are just around the corner
Week 2 - 12th September - Proactive Prosthetic and Orthotic Care - Natalie Morrow, Senior Prosthetist/Orthotist
Different styles of orthotics for different presentations
Functional application of devices
Benefits of static devices
Custom Designs
Patient choice: Design and colours
Week 3 - 19th September - Next Steps Neuro Physiotherapy - Claire Evans, Neuro Physiotherapist
Molli suit
Real life examples of successes and challenges
Week 4 - 26th September - Dorset Orthopaedic, Kim Pickering, Orthotist
C-Brace which uses microprocessor sensor technology to facilitate improved walking