Event Details

Recruiting and retaining support and care for case-managed clients has become ever more challenging in the past few years. This mirrors the wider national picture and it is clear that the assistance of case managers, additional resources on top of statutory provision and opportunities to be creative within some packages do not solve all of these problems. A large number of BABICM members contributed detailed information on their experiences of the care crisis in 2022 and 2023, giving a rounded view of how the mounting crisis is impacting. This has been shared in a range of articles and webinars and written up for academic publication.

Clients and families across the UK are feeling the impact, costs to manage the issues and plug gaps are rising. The negative welfare, health, rehabilitation, social and economic consequences can be hard to precisely define but case managers, deputies and those involved in personal injury litigation are increasingly aware of the need to respond to the problems and improve this fundamental contributor to a well lived life of quality and meaning.

This event will draw specifically on case management experiences of the 'care crisis' by:

  • looking through the lens of case-managed cases to share best practice,
  • considering possible approaches and creative ideas
  • offering informative and supportive feedback from across the case management network
  • acknowledge the challenges for those handling the practical impact
  • Using care crisis research evidence to support recommendations, actions and practice
  • help to define the issue from the medico-legal perspective.

We are delighted to present our range of expert speakers their perspectives on keeping clients' care and support packages 'afloat' in this challenging environment. Our programme of esteemed speakers represents care providers, expert witnesses, case managers and Counsel as well as a national care body to look at how the challenges are being met across the UK as we continue to ride out the storm.

BABICM Competencies covered:

This day will be relevant to all BABICM competencies, particularly:

2: Strategy

3: Coordination and Management

4: Monitoring

5: Duty of Care

Apr 25, 2024

09:00 - 16:10 GMT+1

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Ambassadors Bloomsbury
12 Upper Woburn Place,



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  • Andrew Axon (Barrister at Parklane Plowden)

    Andrew Axon

    Barrister at Parklane Plowden

    Read Bio
  • Keith Cundall (Partner in Personal Injury Team at Field Fisher LLP)

    Keith Cundall

    Partner in Personal Injury Team at Field Fisher LLP

    Read Bio
  • Rebecca Galloway (Ariya Neuro Care)

    Rebecca Galloway

    Ariya Neuro Care

    Read Bio
  • Vicki Gilman (Chair at BABICM - British Association of Brain injury and Complex Case Management)

    Vicki Gilman

    Chair at BABICM - British Association of Brain injury and Complex Case Management

    Read Bio
  • Professor Martin Green OBE (Chief Executive at Care England)

    Professor Martin Green OBE

    Chief Executive at Care England

    Read Bio
  • Dr Alyson Norman (Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Psychology Faculty of Health at University of Plymouth)

    Dr Alyson Norman

    Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Psychology Faculty of Health at University of Plymouth

    Read Bio
  • Angela Nunn (Prinicpal Lawyer at Slater & Gordon LLP)

    Angela Nunn

    Prinicpal Lawyer at Slater & Gordon LLP

    Read Bio
  • Fen Parry (Care Expert at J S Parker Ltd)

    Fen Parry

    Care Expert at J S Parker Ltd

    Read Bio
  • Marcus Williamson (Founder of Social Care Recruiting)

    Marcus Williamson

    Founder of Social Care Recruiting

    Read Bio
  • Louise Wolsey (Case Manager at Active Case Management)

    Louise Wolsey

    Case Manager at Active Case Management

    Read Bio


  • 09:00 - 09:30Registration, Refreshments, Exhibition and Networking
    09:30 - 10:00Chair's Welcome and Introduction, Background to the day and Poll

    Professor Martin Green OBE

    Chief Executive at Care England

    10:00 - 10:30Working With the Consequences of the Care Crisis: Evidence to Support the Way Forward
    Reflecting on research findings about the impacts of the care crisis as evidence to underpin case management recommendations moving forward. The academic research and upcoming paper outlines experiences specific to Case Managers in the UK and Dr Noman places a focus on the consequences we are now dealing with, including staff burn out, increased burden of care on families and safeguarding issues that arise as a result of difficulties in retaining safe care packages.

    Dr Alyson Norman

    Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Psychology Faculty of Health at University of Plymouth

    10:30 - 11:10Life at the Case Management Coal Face - Evidencing Unquestionable Need
    Using examples of real life examples of measures that can be taken to support safe care packages, and examples of how to provide a ‘silver bullet’ to arm the litigators with material to evidence unquestionable need. Louise and Keith will also take a look forward in time to what ideal care packages would look like, within a culture of value and inclusion for support staff, and crucially how we can get there.

    Keith Cundall

    Partner in Personal Injury Team at Field Fisher LLP

    Louise Wolsey

    Case Manager at Active Case Management

    11:10 - 11:40Coffee, Exhibiting and Networking
    11:40 - 12:10Can You Put A Price On It? Budgeting Care Over A Lifetime
    Managing lifetime costs and unforeseen issues relating to care and recruitment from the perspective of a Property and Affairs Deputy, amidst the aftermath.

    Angela Nunn

    Prinicpal Lawyer at Slater & Gordon LLP

    12:10 - 12:40Unlocking The Key To Support Worker Satisfaction: Insights for Case Managers
    If support workers are the key to a rehabilitation or care programme, how do we unlock potential of the great ones? This insight will be shared in an interview which gives an inside perspective on what support workers value when Case Managers are seeking to incentivise recruitment to the role as well as how best to retain good people with the aim to progress career pathways in the care sector.

    An interview with a professional support worker who has seen the challenges across the spectrum as support worker, team leader and manager.

    Vicki Gilman

    Chair at BABICM - British Association of Brain injury and Complex Case Management

    Rebecca Galloway

    Ariya Neuro Care

    12:40 - 13:40Lunch, Networking and Exhibitors
    13:40 - 14:10Beyond Pay: Regional Recruitment & Retention Strategies
    Marcus will share regional variations in rates of pay for care staff as well as creative incentives which can be used to positively impact recruitment and retention of care teams to help Case Managers, Litigators and Deputies justify the nuances of recruiting care packages.

    Marcus Williamson

    Founder of Social Care Recruiting

    14:10 - 14:40Prediction and the Unpredictable: Expert predictions, case manager conundrums and creative practice
    A Care Expert of many years’ experience, Fen will examine the evolution she has seen in care provision in the changing landscape in both England and Scotland and how this is now impacting on future care predictions, including what this means in current practice for case managers.

    Fen Parry

    Care Expert at J S Parker Ltd

    14:40 - 14:50Comfort Break
    14:50 - 15:25Advocating For Future Care: Insights for Case Managers Influencing the Care Crisis within the Legal Framework
    Andrew will explore how the evidence can support client needs to be met. What approach experts can take to the unpredictability of care costs and provision and how case managers can support an accurate on-the-ground picture to support lifelong future care needs in the real world scenario.

    Andrew Axon

    Barrister at Parklane Plowden

    15:25 - 15:55Panel Discussion and Poll

    Andrew Axon

    Barrister at Parklane Plowden

    Keith Cundall

    Partner in Personal Injury Team at Field Fisher LLP

    Dr Alyson Norman

    Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Psychology Faculty of Health at University of Plymouth

    Fen Parry

    Care Expert at J S Parker Ltd

    Marcus Williamson

    Founder of Social Care Recruiting

    Louise Wolsey

    Case Manager at Active Case Management

    15:55 - 16:10Chairs Closing Remark


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