Event Details

Pornography is a topic that presents challenges for many of our clients.

This free webinar with Access Technology's Kelly Thrussell introduces their learning program that was designed to support our clients and guide our professional teams.

In recognition that personal and professional biases can often influence client care decisions, Kelly will be delivering training designed to foster unbiased and informed decision-making.

This session will cover:

The Digital Landscape

  • Societal, gender, and age norms, as well as realistic and fair expectations for our clients.

Understanding Harm

  • Risks like observational learning, unrealistic depictions of sex and human bodies, lack of consent/contraception, addictive behaviors, legal boundaries, and potential impacts on relationships and sexual performance.

Potential Benefits

  • Exploring how pornography may support clients' healthy sexual expression, if this is their choice.

Capacity Building

  • How to help clients develop skills for safe and informed engagement with pornography.

When Capacity Is Lacking

  • Strategies such as technical restrictions, education, and alternative approaches.

Other Speakers


  • Complimentary

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