Introduction: Dr Emma Verwey gained experience working with parents navigating the litigation process following their child's acquired brain injury (ABI). While on a placement (with Dr Kelly Camilleri) during her clinical psychology doctoral training, she noticed the dual role of being both a 'parent' and a 'litigation friend' and the profound impact this had on individuals and families. This inspired her to pursue research exploring the psychological impact of litigation on parents. This research aimed to explore these lived experiences and to shed light on the challenges that emerge during the litigation journey.

Research Findings: The findings of this research highlights several core themes faced by parents in litigation following their child's injury. Key themes include loss of parental agency, privacy invasion, identity transformation, and feelings of isolation. Many parents experienced an overwhelming sense of losing control over their lives, feeling scrutinised and coerced by the legal process. Litigation was described as a process that inhibited their ability to process trauma and grief, thereby prolonging their emotional pain and hindering their ability to accept and adapt. The research also indicated a significant impact on family dynamics, affecting attachment and leading to relational ruptures within the family unit.

Relevance to Legal Teams, Case Managers, and Clinicians: These findings may be of use for legal teams, case managers, and clinicians involved with families of children who have experienced ABI and are going through litigation. The findings reveal significant psychological impacts on parents, affecting not only their role as caregivers but also on the entire family system. These findings will not be necessarily be new information for professionals involved but, rather we hope to use this space as a platform to share research findings and gain traction for future / ongoing research; this research emphasises the need for systemic support and interventions early in the litigation process, focusing on whole-family approaches and recognising the emotional toll on parents.



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